M A Li-na
Capital Medical University, China
Title: Morning blood pressure surge is associated with decreasing cognitive function in elderly patients with essential hypertension
Biography: M A Li-na
Aim: To explore the association between morning blood pressure surge and cognitive function in elderly patients with essential hypertension. Methods: 107 patients submitted to 24 hours ambulatory blood pressure monitoring were categorized as with morning blood pressure surge (MBPS) group (n=40) and non morning blood pressure surge (NMBPS) group (n=67). Total cholesterol, body mass index (BMI) was determined and MMSE was measured. Results: BPS in MBPS was higher than that in NMBPS (P<0.05). MMSE in MBPS was lower than that in NMBPS (25.98±2.03 vs. 28.86±1.81, P<0.01). Conclusion: Morning blood pressure surge is closely related with the cognitive impairment in elderly patients with essential hypertension.