Au Shu Yi Lydia
Ng Teng Fong Hospital, Singapore
Title: Challenges of caring for a frail hospitalized elderly
Biography: Au Shu Yi Lydia
An acute hospital admits a disproportionately large number of older patients; many of them frail. The cornerstone of an acute geriatric care involves stabilizing acute medical issues so that timely rehabilitation of the frail older person prevents further deterioration of the physical function. Functional decline has significant negative consequences for these patients. A proactivemodel selecting older patients with the potential to benefit from intensive inpatient geriatric assessment, rehabilitation, management and treatment services to restore function allows for focused use of limited resources. Creating an understanding of the challenges of aging, multiple hospital hazards and frailty impeding successful management will be identified. The principles underlying the organization for rehabilitation and a safe discharge; together with careful attention to special needs present commonly in the elderly will effect expedient and full integration back into the community; will be outlined.